Available Materials:
Buna, EPDM, Silicone, Teflon, and Viton to name a few. These materials are also in cord stock so custom sized gaskets can be made to order. Metric sizes also available.
FLN-MAR offers a large selection of O-rings, quad-rings and gaskets in a wide range of sizes.
For your convenience, to help you select the correct size O-ring, three measurements are included on the FLN-MAR chart for cross reference purposes. We have included the “Nominal”, “Actual Inch”, and “Actual Metric” sizes. When comparing the “Actual” and “Nominal” sizes of O-rings, note the Nominal or those listed in fractions, are available for referencing but it is recommended that your order be placed in actual inch or millimeter sizes for accuracy
Buna, EPDM, Silicone, Teflon, and Viton to name a few. These materials are also in cord stock so custom sized gaskets can be made to order. Metric sizes also available.